Why is Floor Planning is Crucial in Interior Design?

Whether you’re building a property from scratch or developing an existing structure to make it more livable for future tenants, floor planning is absolutely key to any design.

If you want your properties to have long-lasting tenants or a quick sale, you must ensure that the floor planning is impeccable.

By doing this, you’re not only designing quality homes to your tenants, but will also maximize the true potential of each property you work on. As you know, evey property is unique and should be given the proper care and attention it needs to go from average, to amazing.

In addition to this, better floor planning is also often reflected in the end value of a property – which means better ROI for you and more profits.

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Bedroom 05. Marashlynne

What can go wrong in floor planning?

There’s a lot that can go wrong when it comes to floor planning. Ultimately, interior designers need to be realistic about the purpose of the property and how tenants will interact with the space.

If you’re not careful about floor planning, here are just a few of the things that can go wrong:

  • Lack of circulation between rooms/areas 

  • Rooms designed without any natural lighting

  • Incorrect zoning and function which makes the property uncomfortable to live in

  • Furniture layouts that don’t work and don’t maximise the space

  • Kitchens that are not optimised and aren’t user-friendly

  • Internal bathrooms that are difficult for tenants to access

Tenants don’t want to live in properties that don’t flow well, or make their lives harder. Finding the optimal layout for your next property should be one of your key priorities in the planning stage if you want to make your project a success.

Design Excellence for Higher ROI - Mar Design UK

Bedroom 04. Marashlynne

Mardesign’s floor planning top tips

At Mardesign, we have many years of experience creating brilliant homes that are successful for our clients and impressive for their end tenants.

If you want to make the most of your space, here are some of the best floor planning tips that we’ve learnt during our experience:

  1. Start by checking the main structural elements within a property, including looking at where the manhole is located

  2. Think about the use of each room, is it a single function space or a multi-function space?

  3. Be considered with room sizes, imagine yourself in each room and think about how you would use the room – considering both function and comfort 

  4. How much natural light is available? How will you be adding artificial lighting? Will it be mostly decorative lighting (ie pendants) or architectural lighting (ie downlights)?

  5. Don’t forget about circulation space too so people can easily walk through and around – especially important in communal areas

Need some help with floor planning?

Creating the perfect floor plan for your property isn’t always as easy as you may think. It takes a look of time and consideration – not to mention a lot of experience to know what works and what doesn’t!

If interior design floor planning is not for you, get in touch with Mardesign today.

We can help you with designing any interior floor plan, thanks to our years of experience, industry expertise, and design knowledge.

No matter what kind of project you’re developing – whether it’s residential or commercial – we can help you maximise any internal space and create a beautiful, quality home.

Check out what investors say.

“When planning the interiors for our first home I had a consultation with Raquel, which greatly helped me to create a clear vision of what I wanted and how to execute this. Her approach was professional and practical, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services.”

— Natalie Gascoyne. Davies Property

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